August 22 roundup

- Don’t: “Former lawyer is charged with stealing client identities to apply for litigation advances” [Debra Cassens Weiss, ABA Journal; Marietta, Georgia]
- “Website Access and Other ADA Title III Lawsuits Hit Record Numbers” [Minh Vu et al., Seyfarth Shaw; related, Julia Limitone, Fox; earlier] More compliance deadlines for movie theatres on captioning and audio description [Kevin Fritz, Seyfarth Shaw]
- Because this damaging exercise in maritime protectionism isn’t going away, Cato has launched a Project on Jones Act Reform [earlier]
- Worth keeping an eye on: proposals for “International Convention on Business and Human Rights” [Carlos Lopez, Opinio Juris, first, second posts]
- Alan Reynolds on the return of antitrust [Regulation mag via David Henderson, Econlib] A guide to Regulation mag articles on antitrust over the years [Peter Van Doren] Federalist Society conference on The Antitrust Paradox [opening remarks with Hon. Makan Delrahim and Dean Reuter first, second; panel on book’s generational impact first, second; panel on current state of play first, second]
- “Pro tip from the Tenth Circuit: Attorneys should tell the court if their clients die.” [Havens v. Colorado Department of Corrections via John Kenneth Ross/Short Circuit]
August 22 roundup curated from Overlawyered
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