February 28 roundup
- Eighth Circuit Cato amicus defends right of videographer couple in Minnesota not to film same-sex weddings for hire if they don’t care to [Ilya Shapiro and Reilly Stephens] Meanwhile: “California Court Upholds First Amendment Right Not to Bake Cake for Same-Sex Wedding” [Eugene Volokh, who takes a different side from Cato on expressive status of cake creation]
- “It’s all about the shared love for Disney.” Is that why they’re suing? [Hugo Martin, Los Angeles Times]
- “Whistleblower Lawyers See a Growth Area: Customs Fraud” [Henry Cutter, WSJ]
- Supreme Court hears oral argument in Janus, the public employee union fees First Amendment case [Ilya Shapiro/Washington Examiner, SCOTUSBlog coverage by various authors, Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux/538, earlier]
- Copyright: “US Judge dismisses Taylor Swift ‘haters’ case as too ‘banal'” [Mark Savage, BBC]
- Dangerous for an advice letter from an NLRB lawyer to say that references to gender-based differences in James Damore memo “were discriminatory and constituted sexual harassment” Ken at Popehat, Robert VerBruggen/NRO, Jerome Woehrle]
Tags: Disney, First Amendment, harassment law, National Labor Relations Board, public employment, Supreme Court, whistleblowers
February 28 roundup is a post from Overlawyered - Chronicling the high cost of our legal system
February 28 roundup curated from Overlawyered
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