Among other barriers it erects against police accountability, California keeps prosecutors from knowing when and which cops have been shown dishonest. Time for reform [ Jonathan Blanks, Cato ] “NYC has shelled out $384M in 5 years to settle NYPD suits” [ Yoav Gonen, Julia Marsh and Bruce Golding, New York Post ] “Federal Judge Breaks Up Albuquerque’s Car Theft Ring” [ Jacob Sullum, Reason on forfeiture ruling; Tim Cushing, TechDirt ; Ilya Somin on legal implications] Class-action suit challenges civil forfeitures [ George Hunter, Detroit News ; C.J. Ciaramella, Reason ] Update on police union scandal in Orange County, Calif.: union’s law firm will pay $600K to a former mayor of Costa Mesa it targeted for harassment and intimidation [ Steven Greenhut , earlier ] “Thrown Chairs, Resignations, And An Envelope Full Of Cash Follow Exposure Of 2-Man PD’s Acquisition Of $1 Million In Military Equipment” [ Tim Cushing, TechDirt ] Denver cops, before handcuffing a journalist for photogr...