
When And How To Use a Lawyer

Introduction Almost everything we do from making a purchase to driving a car, to interacting with others is affected by the law in some way, shape or form. While it often seems hard to live with the law, it would surely be harder to live without it. In our country, the law is, in a real sense, the people’s law. It is part of the democratic heritage of Americans. The availability of the law does, however, reveal a bewildering variety of choices. When do you need a lawyer? When can (or should) you handle a matter on your own? The purpose of this chapter is to help you make the best choices. There are many legal situations that you can and should handle on your own, without the assistance of a lawyer. However, when circumstances and laws are unique, complicated, or confusing, you may need a lawyer’s guidance. You also may need a lawyer’s services when you are so close to a problem that you are unable to see your way through to a proper solution. While this chapter does not examine spe...